Monday, April 26, 2010

黑色与白色之间会有灰色地带吗?我一向喜爱白色, 但黑色的出现后,让我难以选择!天啊~~满脑都是这两种颜色,白色让人感觉纯真和快乐;黑色却妖艳及兴奋!天使以恶魔的交战,受苦的会是人民-我!如果穿上白色衬衫使您毅力十足,百战百胜 ;黑色让你帅气鼎鼎,所有东西随手可得,您的选择是什么??希望我能穿着白色战袍战到最后,我坚持相信白色会让我画出一片天空~~

Friday, April 23, 2010

How cum so many strangers leave their comments on my blog...Herm....this blog is hanging on the half dead condition. 2day was the first day of my holiday, finally its cum, but I dun feel any excitement, how should I utilize this time?? After a bloody stressful week, should I reward myself to sum trip or wat?? This segi office management is really sucky, have u attent an exam without having any lecture class and without any formula sheet provide....damn...yes...I had experience in Segi university college...Any how, hopefully it never be a obstruct to me..:P..the distance toward Sheffield university is a step nearer..but how about the merit scholarship? 10500 pound a year, 3 year = Honda civic + 25k = mazda 6....this equation looks to attactive lahh..haha!!I'm greedy ok!!it's late now..update soon!!nitesz!!XP~~